Doki doki literature club girls

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By the Lights of Their Eyes: Happens one time the lights went out.Bookends: The 'Friendship' Arc ends the same way it begins: with Sayori and Ako watching the sunset together (albeit from different points of view).Black Comedy: Monika jokes around at first with deleting the anime club after they had taken their place in the literature club.Beach Episode: Is the breather arc after the events of Apocalypse.and delivered one hell of a Suplex Finisher. So Natsuki affectionatedly hugged the Perfect Yuri from behind. Bait-and-Switch: When the Perfect Yuri ends up being in control of Yuri once again during the Beach Episode, Natsuki remembers what she did the last time to bring Yuri back to normal (with The Power of Love).Though she doesn't show it in front of the others, she's clearly wracked with guilt over her actions in canon and tries everything she can to help the other girls. The Atoner: What Monika becomes after she goes through character development.Art Shift: Moments that can't be conveyed with the game's sprites are usually drawn instead.

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